Mutant Chronicles

Posted By Doncrack On 11:54 PM

"Mutant Chronicles" - Earth's natural resources have been spended by world and fight rages between the soldiers of four taking Corporations: the Capitol, Bauhaus, Mishima and Imperial. Mitch Hunter and Nathan Rooker, fight hardened Capitol soldiers, fight a dire fight against a Bauhaus approach. When an errant case destroys an old rock stamp, they get themselves fronting an other foe: ugly necrmutants, with boneblades that get from their weaponry. Mithc scarcely manages to flee. Nathan does not. The mutants reproduce by millions and they kill all before them. The Corporations' leader, Constantine, is about to empty the satellite and will infinite innocents to their dangerous lot, when he is approached by Brother Samuel, leader of the Brotherhood, and old cloistered club. Samuel is keep of the Chronicles, a script that prophesies both the boost of the Mutants, and the 'Deliverer' that will kill them. Samuel believes he is that Deliverer intended to travel late in

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